This year we logged more miles than ever. From leaving home in Mount Joy to returning home again we logged 5334 miles. The schedule showed 3716 for the event plus 1200 miles from Mount Joy to South Bend and back home again. That leaves 418 miles of which I estimated 182 on track miles which leaves 236 miles going back and forth to the hotels and maybe a wrong turn or two. Tolls were $88. the Pennsylvania turnpike getting the biggest share. Gas cost us $877 and hotels were $894. The highest price for Hi-Test gas was $3.699 in Indiana and the lowest was in Oklahoma for $2.589, a big oil state. One extra expense of about $150 was the purchase of two trailer tires/wheels. I guess those little tires just can't hold up to the constant high speed transits on One Lap. Our goal for the week was to finish in the top half of the field and we met that goal and finished 34th. Our best event was an 8th place finish in the Dry Skid Pad Challenge. 71 vehicles started the event and 8 dropped out along the way, others broke but were able to fix their problems and continue on. Of the eight that dropped out five showed up at South Bend at the end, 4 in rental or replacement cars and one went out and bought a Dodge Hell Cat.

One of the great numbers this year is that we set a record and raised over $4400, our best fundraising year ever, bringing our total over the years to over $25,000. The Pa. Breast Cancer Coalition really appreciates our efforts and considers us a Grassroots supporter and it really feels good to raise money for such a good cause. So many of our friends and loved ones have been affected by this terrible disease that we want to do all we can to help find a cure.
We will wrap up our fundraising in a few weeks, so if you still want to donate see Jesse Landis or myself. If you would like to use your credit card go on line to www.pbcc.me and click donate. Just be sure to mention One Lap of America when asked for what event. Thanks You.
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