A big THANK YOU to Bud Barton of Barton Signs and Apparel, located in (Rheems) Elizabethtown, Pa. for finishing up the graphics on the car. Here is a picture of Bud with the finished car. Well it's not quite finished we still have the National sponsor to put on yet when we get to South Bend in a couple weeks.

We are struggling a little with our fundraising goal. If you have been wanting to
help now is the time. There is still space left on the roof for
additional donation stickers. Over the years we have raised funds for
the Pa. Breast Cancer Coalition by putting Pink Ribbon stickers on the
roof of the Corvette for anyone who makes a donation and you can ride
along on our adventure vicariously. We will put your name on the
sticker or the name of someone you would like to Honor, or in Memory of
someone. Just see Jesse Landis or me and make all checks payable to Pa. Breast
Cancer Coalition or PBCC for short. If you would like to use your
credit card you can log onto http://www.PBCC.me/donate, be sure to fill
in One Lap of America when asked for event.
I also included a picture of Jesse and I in our Pink Volunteer shirts, promoting our fundraising effort.
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