The days are clicking away and it won't be long till we leave for South Bend, Indiana to the starting line for our great adventure. After a few late nights working on the Corvette, the tires are on, the brakes are on and the crankcase has a fresh fill of oil. All we need now is a few more donation stickers on the roof. Our fundraising effort to benefit the Pa. Breast Cancer Coalition is a bit behind this year. I know it is a slow economy for a lot of people but for a donation of as little as $10 we will put you name on the car to show your support for the fight against Breast Cancer. Think about it, you can help in the fight and also ride along "vicariously" on our amazing adventure at the same time. Now it's easier than ever to donate. The Pa
Breast Cancer Coalition has set up a secure link where you can donate using a credit card. We will put your name to show your support, or another name in Memorial to, or in Honor of someone who has dealt with cancer. The link is
BTW you can also stop in the store, Jim Roberts' West Main Auto in Mount Joy, Pa. to make a donation or mail a check to the store, made out to PBCC to 14 W. Main St. 17552
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