Just put all new brakes and rotors on the Vette and doing the final check over. Received my tires and mounted and balanced and installed them. It is now less than a month away and I'm getting anxious. It is a relief to have Steve Barrett in the transit driver position. Steve is really excited and is helping to spread the word and is also collecting donations for our charity. Now I need to get the vinyl graphics on the car finished for the sponsors.
I have started to put the names on the car for the people who have donated to Pa. Breast Cancer Coalition. Just a reminder anyone who donates $10 or more to our charity we will put your name, or a name in honor of or in memory of, on the car. With your name on the car you can "ride along" on the trip and help the Breast Cancer Coalition help women and help fund research for a cure at the same time. I don't want to miss anyone who has given in past years, so if you want to give again this year and I have not contacted you, please see me, give me a call or send me a check to, Jim Roberts 14 W. Main St. Mount Joy, Pa. 17552, but make check out to Pa. Breast Cancer Coalition.
At this point there are 76 vehicles registered for One Lap and SSGT1 Big Bore which is our group, has 21 cars. We have several Corvettes including a ZR1, a few Vipers and Nissan GTRs, a couple of Porsche and BMWs, a Ferrari and a Jaguar XKR coupe. BTW SSGT1 is usually the largest and most competitive class in the field.
Just as a reminder I have included the official map so you can follow along and know where we are each day. My plan, as in the past, is to blog each night to report on the events and/or success of the day. Don't get too excited if I don't post each night, sometime the days are just too long and something has to give.
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