We are now adding a charity component to our Cannonball One Lap of America. We will be displaying a Spina Bifida Resources of Greater Pa. sticker on the One Lap car along with our sponsor stickers. We will also list them as our charity on our official entry and on the web site for the Cannonball One Lap of America. This will bring exposure to our local Spina Bifida Resources and Spina Bifida as a medical birth defect issue. To help them financially we will accept sponsorships from anyone who would like to sponsor us by the mile or for the entire trip or just as a donation to the charity. Think of this as a Drive A Thon. We will record our mileage when leaving home and at the end when we return home and expect to log about 5000 miles in total. For someone willing to donate a penny a mile that would be $50.00. You can do the math and make things work out to whatever you want to donate. The main goal is to leverage this amazing adventure of ours to greater community benefit.
Many of you may know that I have a wonderful granddaughter that was born May 19, 2006 with Spina Bifida. Through those difficult times in the weeks after Adaline was born, Michele was able to benefit from materials, direction and advice that she received from Pat Fulvio and the local Spina Bifida organization. Since the level of giving has certinly suffered for Spina Bifida Resources of Greater Pa. as well as many other charities in these difficult economic times, we felt we wanted to try to help their fundraising. If you would like to create a sponsor sheet and solicit contributions on our behalf for Spina Bifida Resources please let us know and thank you. Please make checks out to SBR-One Lap and mail to Jim Roberts 14 W. Main St. Mount Joy, Pa. 17552.
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