We're counting down the hours now. It wasn't that long ago that it was several weeks to go, now it's down to a couple of days. Here is a picture of the car with most of our sponsor decals on. When we arrive in South Bend on Friday they will give us the One Lap of America shield to go on the doors and the other national sponsors that go around the doors. We then need to put them on and head over to tech to get our final sign off. After all the final registration work is finished we have a kickoff dinner/gathering to get the last of the details before starting the competition at 8 am on Saturday morning.
Sorry the delay between updates, but I have been busy. Last week a group of us from the Lancaster County Corvette Club spent two days participating in a great track event on the Pocono North Course with the Cumberland Valley Corvette Club. Of course I call this practice for the One Lap. I was also draging my feet putting up a new post since it would push my last story with the appeal for sponsorships down the page and we are still anxious to keep getting the word out and raising more money for Spina Bifida Resources of Greater Pennsylvania. At this point we have raised a few hundred dollars but we are still hoping for more. Keep those checks and pledges coming in. We did get a few paragraphs in the Lancaster New Era on Thursday, April 23rd but the only part they mentioned was the competition itself and no mention of the charity part. If anyone has another contact with the Lancaster newspapers feel free to give them the address of the blog and encourage them to mention the Spina Bifida charity benefit. It may also be a little more newsworthy now that we have a picture of the car to show.