Saturday, March 11, 2017

JIMBOB Racing announces new Transit Driver

Jimbob Racing is pleased to announce that fellow Lancaster County Corvette Club member Gary Musser will be my new Transit Driver for 2017.  Joe Vasta, my Transit Driver from last year was a great partner and had a great time but was unable to go along this year.  As a Transit Driver Gary will help with the highway miles as well as help me maintain the car during the event.  Gary, from Lititz, is a Corvette enthusiast, but his other hobby is bicycling.  I take my folding bike along to get a preview ride on the tracks if there is time.  If I have any bike problems, Gary can help me sort them out;^)

Anyone donating $10 or more we will put your name or the name of someone you would like to Honor. Since Gary and I are both from the same Corvette club this year we might be a little challenged in our fundraising since we both know many of the same people.  If anyone reading this is sympathetic to the Breast Cancer cause and would like to help us and be a fundraising Captain, let me know and I will provide you with the materials.  Over the past years we have raised over $16,000.  The Pa. Breast Cancer Coalition, represents, supports and serves breast cancer survivors and their families in Pennsylvania through educational programming, legislative advocacy and breast cancer research grants.

If you would like to make a donation and get a sticker on the car, see Jim or stop in the store or send to Jim Roberts, %West Main Auto. 14 W. Main St. Mount Joy, Pa. 17552 along with who to name on the sticker.  Please make all checks payable to Pa. Breast Cancer Coalition or PBCC for short.  You can also use your credit card to donate, just visit  Click on Donate and follow the instructions. Be sure to fill in One Lap of America when asked for title of event.

 Please follow along on Facebook at Jim's One Lap Adventure.  I also still maintain my blog at which has the same current content but you can find older stories going back 8 years.