The other big event that cost us in finishing positions was at Carolina Motorsports Park when an oil cooler line got cut through by the power steering pulley which then spewed oil and put out a smoke screen. I was able to finish my run by nursing the car to the finish but lost a lot of time. We were able to make a repair on the oil line before the end of the session and run the second event of Carolina but got a 10 second penalty for running out of group and I was the last car to run. Our goal this year was for a top 20 finish. The competition really seemed to be stronger this year with many awesome cars in the mix. Even at 37th place there were a lot of cars that finished behind us, so that's a little bit of a win. The biggest win is that we were able to complete the event and bring the car home ;^)
Don't forget we are still raising money for our charity, the Pa. Breast Cancer Coalition. We still need a few hundred dollars to meet this years goal. For a donation of $10 or more we will place your name on a Pink Ribbon sticker on the car, or the name of someone you would like to honor or memorialize. Pa. Breast Cancer Coalition helps women going through Breast Cancer as well as helping to fund mammograms and research. Help us meet our goal. Please make any checks out to Pa. Breast Cancer Coalition or PABCC and send to Jim Roberts 14 W. Main St. Mount Joy, Pa. 17552. This event is really a lifetime experience and we felt is was a good way to leverage the it to the community good by raising funds for this worthy charity.