Rick Stauffer, of Ephrata, Pa. and a long time member of the Lancaster County Corvette Club has joined with Jim Roberts on his team to participate in this year's One Lap of America. Jim will be doing the competitive driving this year and Rick will help as a transit driver, sharing the highway miles that will total close to 5,000 miles in this years event. The actual event is about 3400 miles plus the miles out and back to South Bend, Indiana and the track miles add up to that total. The 2011 One Lap of America will cover a large part of the eastern United States. You can scroll down the page to see a map and the tracks we will visit on a previous post.
Now that our team is complete, we need to get on with the details of preparing for this major endurance event. It is very important that the car be checked over very carefully since any type of breakdown would really hamper a good finish. We do not trailer from track to track, the car must be driven the entire distance, and most days we will put on between 500 and 600 miles.
The picture above was taken while the #22 was on display at the Corvettes at Carlise in August of 2010.